Member Status

What is Member Status?

Status shows the member’s current standing with Rebates with Friends.  There are 3 possible Member Status: Active Member, Inactive Member and Unqualified Member

What is Member Status for?

Member’s status highlights the activity level of a user and helps Rebates with Friends take action to reactivate this member or remove their membership.


What is an Active Member?

It is the member that has confirmed his/her email address in the message sent by Rebates with Friends and kept shopping in our affiliate stores or signing up a new friend to their Cash Back Party.

How do I become an Active Member?

When you sign up at Rebates with Friends, an email is sent to you. Confirm your e-mail address to become an Active member.  Rebates with Friends doesn’t allow your access to the logged area if you do not confirm your e-mail address.


What is an Inactive Member?

An Active Member can become an Inactive Member by not shopping at one of the Rebates with Friends affiliate stores or by not signing up a new friend to their Cash Back Party using their Invitation Link during a 90 day period.

Why has my status changed to Inactive Member?

You didn't make a purchase or sign up a new friend to your Cash Back Party during a 90 day period of time. If you do one of those activities your status will return to Active.

Can I shop as an Inactive Member?

Yes, and when you finish your purchase your status will be changed to Active.

Can I redeem my balance as an Inactive Member?

Yes, you can withdraw your earnings as an Inactive Member.

Am I notified when I become an Inactive Member?

On the 1st day of each month Rebates with Friends sends you an Account Update Email informing you of your current status and the number of days since your last activity. 


What is an Unqualified Member?

An Unqualified Member is one that has passed the last 365 days (1 year) without shopping or signing up a new friend to their Cash Back Party.  When you become an Unqualified Member, you no longer earn Party Commission, your account will be discounted $5.00 every 90 days and when your balance reaches $0.00 your profile is terminated from the Rebates with Friends database.

How do I become an Active Member again?

If you are an Unqualified Member and your account balance is not $0.00, perform an activity to change your status. If your profile has already been terminated, then you have to contact Rebates with Friends to become activated again.